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Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer (2)

Part of a series of images that use astronomical data to construct landscapes with starry skies. Every dot in the sky is a real star!

This one shows Libra, Virgo, Leo and Cancer stretching diagonally across the sky (as they can be seen from latitude 50°N), with Hydra, Crater and Corvus below, and part of Boötes above.

The image includes stars of magnitude 7 or brighter, and therefore contains a few stars that are not visible to the naked eye and which can only usually be seen through binoculars or a telescope. The Etsy Page includes some closeups.

See also: Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer is a version of this image with constellation lines.

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Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancerkeyboard_arrow_leftPrevious
Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer (2)

Part of a series of images that use astronomical data to construct landscapes with starry skies. Every dot in the sky is a real star!

This one shows Libra, Virgo, Leo and Cancer stretching diagonally across the sky (as they can be seen from latitude 50°N), with Hydra, Crater and Corvus below, and part of Boötes above.

The image includes stars of magnitude 7 or brighter, and therefore contains a few stars that are not visible to the naked eye and which can only usually be seen through binoculars or a telescope. The Etsy Page includes some closeups.

See also: Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer is a version of this image with constellation lines.

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Constellations: Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancerkeyboard_arrow_leftPrevious

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